代表性学术成果 1、Global analysis of the correlation and propagation among meteorological, agricultural, surface water, and groundwater droughts. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 333, 117460. (SCI top期刊) 2、新疆戈壁煤矿露天开采对生态环境扰动定量分析,煤炭学报,2023.(EI) 3、红沙泉露天煤矿土壤盐渍化遥感监测,煤炭学报,2023.(EI) 4、荒漠化露天矿碳储量时空动态变化分析,煤炭学报,2022. (EI) 5、CBAM UNet+++:注意力机制引导全尺度连接网络的变化检测研究,遥感学报,2022. (EI) 6、 神东矿区生态系统服务功能评价,煤炭学报,2021. (EI) 7、 改进型遥感生态指数与RSEI的对比分析,遥感学报,2021. (EI) 8、 矿区环境遥感监测方法与应用,西安交通大学出版社,2021. 9、 Combined Sentinel-1A with Sentinel-2A to estimate soil moisture in farmland,IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,2021. (SCI) 10、 Enhanced drought detection and monitoring using Sun-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence over Hulun Buir Grassland, China,Science of the Total Environment,2021. (SCI top期刊) 11、 Comparison and Evaluation of Different Dryness Indices Based on Vegetation Indices-Land Surface Temperature/Albedo Feature Space,Advances in Space Research,2021. (SCI) 12、 Comprehensive evaluation of Sentinel-2 red-edge and shortwave-infrared bands to estimate soil moisture,IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,2021. (SCI) 13、Autumn crop yield prediction using data-driven approaches of support vector machines, random forest, and deep neural network methods,Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing,2021. (SCI) |